
Vooi is an intent-based, cross-chain perpetual DEX aggregator that supports multiple EVM and non-EVM networks. It offers the flexibility to integrate additional networks as needed. Vooi facilitates leveraged trades on perpetual DEXs across supported networks, prioritizing trading efficiency and simplifying the management of gas expenses. Additionally, Vooi provides a unified interface for perpetual DEXs across supported chains.

Vooi is backed by Binance and Consensys and has launched its mainnet. They don’t have their own token yet but is likely to launch one in the future. Connect your wallet, deposit the gas fee token and USDC and make trades. Users who make trades would likely become eligible for an airdrop if they launch their token.

Step-by-Step Guide:
  1. Visit the Vooi DEX page.
  2. Connect your wallet.
  3. Change the network to Arbitrum, Optimism or Base.
  4. Click on “Enable Trading”.
  5. You will need some ETH to cover gas fees and USDC to make trades. You can get them on Binance.
  6. Go back to Vooi and deposit USDC.
  7. Now select a market and open a trading position.
  8. Click on “Earn Rebates” and refer your friends to get a 20% trading fee rebate from each referral.
  9. You will also earn Orderly Network Merits for trading on Vooi.
  10. They do not have their own token yet but are likely to launch one in the future.
  11. Users who make trades would likely become eligible for an airdrop if they launch their token.
  12. For more information regarding the Vooi DEX, see this Medium article.

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Estimated Value


Tokens per Claim


Max. Participants

