
Urbit aims to build the largest online service and real estate platform in the world, allowing users to buy, sell or rent property.

Urbit is giving away 100 URB tokens to anyone who joins them on Telegram, Twitter, and Facebook and completes their social tasks.

Step-by-Step Guide:

1. Register for Urbit.
2. Confirm your email and log in.
3. Select ‘Airdrop’ from the lefthand menu.
4. Join the Telegram group. (+20 URB)
5. Follow Urbit on Twitter. (+10 URB)
6. Like the Urbit Facebook page. (+10 URB)
7. Share any of these images on your Facebook page. (+20 URB)
8. Share any of these images on your Twitter account. (+20 URB)
9. Share any of these images on your Instagram account. (+20 URB)
10. Input your social usernames and URLs to verify.

*More tasks will be added later allowing you to earn more URB tokens.

Don't forget to follow us on Twitter, Telegram, & Facebook and subscribe our newsletter to receive new airdrops!


Telegram required

  • Join group

Twitter required

  • Follow

Facebook required

  • Like / Follow

Estimated Value


Tokens per Claim

100 URB

Max. Participants

