
rLoop Network is a globally distributed and crowdsourced innovation community. Their mission is to develop and launch innovative technology fueled by a genuine desire to improve the world and humanity.

rLoop is airdropping a total of 7,500,000 RLP tokens to the community members. Follow them on all required social platforms, retweet and share the mentioned posts and submit your details to the airdrop form to receive 35 RLP tokens.

Step-by-Step Guide:
  1. Visit the rLoop airdrop form page.
  2. Join their Telegram group.
  3. Follow them on Twitter and retweet this tweet.
  4. Like their Facebook page and share the pinned post.
  5. Submit your details to the form.
  6. You will get 35 RLP tokens.
Don't forget to follow us on Twitter, Telegram, & Facebook and subscribe our newsletter to receive new airdrops!


Telegram required

  • Join group

Twitter required

  • Follow
  • Single Retweet

Facebook required

  • Like / Follow
  • Single share

E-Mail required

Estimated Value

0.028 ETH

Tokens per Claim

35 RLP

Max. Participants


