
Forcefi is a permissionless incubator designed to support new projects in building teams, growing communities, and raising funds within the decentralized space. Forcefi operates with token launch functionalities, allowing projects to connect with industry professionals and Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) known as curators. These curators help filter projects based on various criteria and build their on-chain reputation while supporting projects. Investors interested in early-stage projects reviewed and backed by these curators can participate in token sales. Forcefi aims to create a symbiotic relationship among projects, curators, and investors, enabling new projects to secure funding, grow, and innovate without the need for a vast personal network or high budget.

Forcefi is airdropping 5,000,000 FORC to users who complete social tasks. Visit the Galxe campaign page and complete simple tasks to earn points. There will be new tasks every week. The top 10% of the participants with the most points will share 2,500,000 FORC, the next 50% will share 1,500,000 FORC, and the remaining participants will share 1,000,000 FORC.

Step-by-Step Guide:
  1. Visit the Forcefi Galxe airdrop page.
  2. Connect your wallet.
  3. Now, complete the tasks to earn points.
  4. Each week, there will be new tasks to earn points.
  5. The distribution of FORC rewards will be as follows: the top 10% of participants with the most points will share 2,500,000 FORC, the next 50% will share 1,500,000 FORC, and the remaining participants will share 1,000,000 FORC.

The airdrop has ended. Users must have a minimum of 10 points on the Gitcoin Passport to claim rewards.

BONUS STEP: MINT exclusive Forcefi Silver Membership NFT for getting the early adopter role on Discord.

Don't forget to follow us on Twitter, Telegram, & Facebook and subscribe our newsletter to receive new airdrops!

Estimated Value


Tokens per Claim


Max. Participants

