
Escher is a token on the Ubiq platform that represents a vote and will be used in voting for the Ubiq governance system.

Escher will be airdropped to Ubiq holders at a ratio of 1 ESCH per 1 UBQ. There will be a series of airdrops (one for each quarter). Escher airdrop claim period #8 will end at block #1211000. Users must submit a claim by interacting with a smart contract to signal they wish to participate in the airdrop.

Step-by-Step Guide:

PYRUS Online Wallet
1. Go to the Contracts page in Pyrus.
2. In the Contract Address field insert this contract address: 0x6D6bA5a2e44890d7a631658c4E0259b98DB72997
3. In the ABI / JSON Interface enter the following:

4. Press Access
5. Select function -> claim
6. Send the transaction. Send 0 UBQ, any claims with more than 0 UBQ included will be rejected by the contract. Ensure you have a very small amount of UBQ (~0.001) to cover the gas fee in the account making the claim. The recommended gas limit is 100000.

FUSION Desktop Wallet
1. Go to the CONTRACTS page in Fusion.
3. In the CONTRACT ADDRESS field insert the contract address displayed on the claim interface
4.In the CONTRACT NAME field enter Escher Airdrop #8
5. In the JSON INTERFACE field enter the following:
6. Click OK
7. Open Escher Airdrop #8
8. Select function -> claim
9. Execute from -> Address you wish to claim from
10. Press EXECUTE
11. Send the transaction. Send 0 UBQ, any claims with more than 0 UBQ included will be rejected by the contract. Ensure you have a very small amount of UBQ (~0.001) to cover the gas fee in the account making the claim. The recommended gas limit is 100000.
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Estimated Value


Tokens per Claim


Max. Participants

