
CoinAnalyst offers a platform for crypto-traders, providing them with the exclusive analyses, data feeds and a database for all crypto currencies and ICOs.

CoinAnalyst is airdropping free COY to the community members. Join their Telegram group and submit your details to the Telegram bot to earn 3 points. Also get 2 points for every referral.

Step-by-Step Guide:
  1. Chat with this Telegram bot.
  2. Join their Telegram group.
  3. Click on /address from the bot to submit your ETH address.
  4. You will get 3 points.
  5. Click on /link from the bot to get your referral link.
  6. You will get 2 points for every referral.
Don't forget to follow us on Twitter, Telegram, & Facebook and subscribe our newsletter to receive new airdrops!


Telegram required

  • Join group

Estimated Value


Tokens per Claim


Max. Participants


