
Bondly is an interoperable, transparent, and portable swap protocol designed to revolutionize traditional escrow methods and make everyone into their own digital marketplace. Their family of trust-enabling DeFi products is designed to be a part of everyday buying and selling activities, giving peace of mind for swap or online purchases.

Bondly and Mantra DAO are jointly airdropping a total of 1,000,000 BONDLY to OM stakers. Mantra DAO took a total of six snapshots between October 28th 12:00 UTC till November 30th of OM stakers on Mantra DAO and all the eligible stakers will receive free BONDLY over the course of December and January. The number of tokens you will receive will be equal to your overall proportion of the total staking pool for the time period, which means that if you’ve staked 100 OM over the course of the snapshot period, then you will receive 100 BONDLY tokens.

Step-by-Step Guide:
  1. Mantra DAO took six snapshots between October 28th till November 30th of OM stakers on Mantra DAO.
  2. The first snapshot was on October 28th 12:00 UTC and the remaining snapshots were taken every week.
  3. A total pool of 1,000,000 BONDLY will be distributed to all eligible OM stakers.
  4. The number of tokens you will receive will be equal to your overall proportion of the total staking pool for the time period.
  5. For example, if you’ve staked 100 OM over the snapshot period, you will receive 100 BONDLY tokens.
  6. The rewards will be distributed over the course of December and January. You can see the complete distribution schedule below:
    Distribution DateNumber of BONDLY
    December 28th, 2020250,000 BONDLY
    January 4th, 2021250,000 BONDLY
    January 11th, 2021250,000 BONDLY
    January 18th, 2021250,000 BONDLY
  7. For more information regarding the airdrop and distribution, see this Medium post.
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Estimated Value


Tokens per Claim


Max. Participants

