
Bitget is a Top-5 CoinMarketCap ranked crypto derivatives trading platform launched and regulated since 2018. It is currently the worlds leading crypto exchange for Copy-trading. This lets Pro-traders monetize their audience by letting them automatically copy trades for a 10% share of profits.

Bitget is airdropping 100 BGB each to the first 500 Russian airdrop participants. Create an account at Bitget, complete simple social tasks and send your UID to @Anri_nap on Telegram to receive the tokens.

Step-by-Step Guide:
  1. Create an account at Bitget.
  2. Follow them on their Russian Twitter handle.
  3. Join their Russian Telegram group and Telegram channel.
  4. Join the Bitget Vkontakte page.
  5. Submit your Bitget UID to @Anri_nap on Telegram.
  6. The first 500 Russian participants will get 100 BGB each.
Don't forget to follow us on Twitter, Telegram, & Facebook and subscribe our newsletter to receive new airdrops!


Telegram required

  • Join group
  • Join channel

Twitter required

  • Follow

E-Mail required

Special requirements:

The airdrop is open only to Russian participants

Estimated Value


Tokens per Claim

100 BGB

Max. Participants



  • Website:
  • Ticker: BGB
  • Total Supply: 2,000,000,000 BGB
  • Twitter:
  • Facebook:
  • Telegram Group:
  • Telegram Channel:
  • Blog:
  • Coinmarketcap:
  • Coingecko: