
AssetMantle is a framework for NFT marketplaces that provides all the elements required to create individual marketplaces. It facilitates the creation (minting) of interoperable NFTs that flow between different blockchains. Moreover, it also supports NFTs ranging from digital art, collectibles to tokenized tickets.

AssetMantle is airdropping a total of 9,000,000 MNTL to ATOM, XPRT, LUNA, CMDX, JUNO & STARS stakers. Users who’ve staked with any active validator on an ongoing StakeDrop campaign chain are eligible to participate in the airdrop. Visit the StakeDrop page and complete the magic transaction to be eligible.

Step-by-Step Guide:
  1. Visit the AssetMantle stakedrop page.
  2. Select the network you want to participate in.
  3. Connect your Keplr wallet and complete the magic transaction by sending a transaction with the smallest amount of native chain token to the designated StakeDrop wallet address.
  4. Enter the staked wallet address on the StakeDrop campaign dashboard to confirm your participation.
  5. Now answer the daily quiz on the StakeDrop campaign dashboard to claim the rewards.
  6. Users who’ve staked with any active validator on an ongoing StakeDrop campaign chain are eligible to participate in the airdrop.
  7. The schedule for the StakeDrop are as follows:
    • ATOM: 03/15 12:00 UTC to 03/22 12:00 UTC
    • XPRT: 03/18 12:00 UTC to 03/25 12:00 UTC
    • LUNA: 03/22 12:00 UTC to 03/29 12:00 UTC
    • CMDX: 03/25 12:00 UTC to 04/01 12:00 UTC
    • JUNø: 03/29 12:00 UTC to 04/05 12:00 UTC
    • STARS: 04/01 12:00 UTC to 04/08 12:00 UTC
  8. 60% of the calculated rewards are unlocked immediately and the remaining 40% of the calculated rewards can be claimed upon successful participation and completion of daily quizzes.
  9. There will also be additional airdrops to Osmosis LPs and OpenSea users in the future.
  10. For more information regarding the airdrop, see this article.
Don't forget to follow us on Twitter, Telegram, & Facebook and subscribe our newsletter to receive new airdrops!

Estimated Value


Tokens per Claim


Max. Participants



  • Website:
  • Ticker: MNTL
  • Total Supply: 300,000,000 MNTL
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